Welcome to PriceWatch


 Price Results MOBIL Canterbury 95/96 
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Where is the data from?

The data for PriceWatch is sourced from fuel purchase transactions that are processed by CardLink using CardLink cards.

Only fuel sites within New Zealand that accept CardLink cards are displayed in the detailed site listing in PriceWatch. These fuel sites include Service Stations, Truck Stops and Marinas.

The fuel transactions received and processed by CardLink can be received in real time or in a batch file. Fuel transactions that are received are updated to the PriceWatch data to determine the minimum, maximum and average fuel prices that are being offered by oil companies in New Zealand.

How current is the data?

Currently CardLink processes fuel transactions from both online and off-line fuel retailers. Fuel prices from online fuel transactions are received by CardLink in real-time. CardLink card transactions made at fuel sites that are not online are received by CardLink in a batch file and are included in the PriceWatch data at the end of each working day. This means that some of the fuel transaction data processed by CardLink for PriceWatch is a minimum of 24 hours old.

How often is PriceWatch updated?

The PriceWatch data is refreshed at midnight each night and requires a minimum of five (5) transactions to be processed by CardLink before new prices are displayed on the site. The five transactions processed are not required to be from the same region. The data refreshing process resets the minimum, maximum and average price for the day. At certain times there will be no data available in PriceWatch for a particular oil company for a particular region.

Use the prices as a guide

It is our advice to take these prices as a guide to pricing, and CardLink accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, integrity, or timeliness of this information. However, CardLink also does not make any prices up, does not manually enter any prices, or otherwise alter the information. It is the price direct from the service station, as received by CardLink.